Module Dbcaml

module Connection : sig ... end
module Driver : sig ... end
module Res : sig ... end
module Params : sig ... end
val let* : ('a, 'b) Stdlib.result -> ('a -> ('c, 'b) Stdlib.result) -> ('c, 'b) Stdlib.result
val wait_for_connections : int -> int -> (unit, [> `Msg of string ]) Stdlib.result

* start_link is the main function for Dbcaml, starts the Supervisor which * controls the Pool manager.

val raw_query : ?row_limit:int -> Riot.Pid.t -> params:Params.t list option -> query:string -> (string, string) Stdlib.result

raw_query send a query to the database and return raw bytes. * It handles asking for a lock a item in the pool and releasing after query is done.

val deserialize : Driver.t -> 'a Serde.De.t -> bytes -> ('a, Serde.error) Stdlib.result