Module Dbcaml.Driver

val let* : ('a, 'b) Stdlib.result -> ('a -> ('c, 'b) Stdlib.result) -> ('c, 'b) Stdlib.result
module type Intf = sig ... end
type t =
  1. | Driver : {
    1. driver : (module Intf with type config = 'config and type state = 'state);
    2. config : 'config;
    } -> t
type 'ctx state = {
  1. connection_manager_pid : Riot.Pid.t;
  2. driver : t;
  3. requester_pid : Riot.Pid.t;
val wait_for_job : 'a -> Connection.t -> 'b
val child_spec : Riot.Pid.t -> Riot.Pid.t -> t -> Riot.Supervisor.child_spec
val deserialize : t -> 'a Serde.De.t -> bytes -> ('a0, Serde.error) Stdlib.result